Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The beautiful Beartooth range in the background
GS Red Lodge

We have been busy with ski racing the past month. We followed Jon to the Cody Invite in Red Lodge, MT. He had a fall during the Giant Slalom and we found out yesterday that he has a very small stress fracture on his heel. He will miss the Casper Invite this weekend :( but will hopefully be back next week to race in Pinedale. He took 1st for his team in Red Lodge and 10th overall Varsity. Giant Slalom is thrilling to watch, very fast speeds. Ian and Lizzy had their first race a few weeks ago and have been practicing on the weekends. We just need the snow to hit, we seem to be on the edge of every storm.

1 comment:

Glenda said...

You have so much fun being involved with with your kids! That is great! I think Jon inherited some of his grandpas atheletic ability not to mention guts!! I can't imagine the speeeds! Keep on racing Jon! I love the picture of you and John!!