Tuesday, January 29, 2008

4's by Heather Ann

A.) Four Jobs I have had in My Life:
1. Lifeguard
2. Books on Tape Reader
3. Network Administrator
4. Housewife and a Mom (The Hardest but my favorite too)!

B.) Four Movies I would watch Over and Over:

1. My Fair Lady
2. Failure to Launch

3. Goonies (my kids love this movie)
4. Shrek 2 (Lizzy's favorite)

C.) Four Places I have Lived:
1. At the base of the Owl Creek Mnts.
2. Randolph, UT
3. Thermopolis, WY
4. Casper, WY

D.)Four TV shows that I watch:
1. Today Show
2. Boston Legal
3. Oprah
4. whatever my kids are watching.

E.) Four of My Favorite Foods:

1. Salmon
2. Lettuce Wraps
3. Edamame
4. Chocolate

F.) Four Places I would Rather Be:
1. In my new ThermoMasseur tub (can I just live there?)
2. Anywhere the wind is not blowing
3. On the ski slopes
4. Getting a Massage

G.) Four Places I have Been:

1. California
2. Arizona
3. Seattle
4. Washington DC

H.) Four things I am Looking Forward to in 2008:
1. Finishing my bathroom
2. Summer gardening
3. Vacations
4. The kids growing and their activities

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Jonathan!!!

My little Jonny had a birthday on Tuesday. He is such a wonderful young man. He is into music, playing guitar, he also plays the Bass in the orchestra. He doesn't enjoy that as much as guitar, but we continue to encourage him to keep doing it. He snowboards every chance he gets. I take him up the mountain every weekend. He never has a plan to meet anyone up there, he just goes with the person that will keep up with him. His latest love is hiking "Ridge" and making his own jumps, trying them out, and hiking back up. I think the chair lift is easier, but you don't get the good powder. In a few weeks he will start spring training for baseball, he is a wonderful pitcher, we love to watch him. This boy never slows down...basketball, golf, skateboarding, he loves all sports. AND...he gets good grades!!! Jonathan is a wonderful blessing!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Holiday Break

Photos from our trip to Utah...

Sledding fun.
Sophie and Lizzy
We had such a wonderful time, hanging out, playing games and visiting family.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas Day

We had an awesome Christmas Day! We even took a family photo.