Thursday, January 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Jonathan!!!

My little Jonny had a birthday on Tuesday. He is such a wonderful young man. He is into music, playing guitar, he also plays the Bass in the orchestra. He doesn't enjoy that as much as guitar, but we continue to encourage him to keep doing it. He snowboards every chance he gets. I take him up the mountain every weekend. He never has a plan to meet anyone up there, he just goes with the person that will keep up with him. His latest love is hiking "Ridge" and making his own jumps, trying them out, and hiking back up. I think the chair lift is easier, but you don't get the good powder. In a few weeks he will start spring training for baseball, he is a wonderful pitcher, we love to watch him. This boy never slows, golf, skateboarding, he loves all sports. AND...he gets good grades!!! Jonathan is a wonderful blessing!!


Glenda said...

Happy Birthday Johnathon! You sound like such a fun boy and all boy! I think you need to meet Colby he is a ski lover to. When he was young he won the record for most days skiied in the winter season! You know we have always said you look like some of your Hoffman uncles, couldn't be prouder to call you related!!!

Glenda said...

Woops snowboarding not skiing sorry!! Its takes the same dedication!! Congrats on getting good grades!!And I would love to watch you play Baseball someday!

Parry's said...

What an amazing boy he is! I love all of his abilities and ambitions. Keep up the dedication Love you all Amber

Holly said...

What a great kid! Happy Birthday. His interests are very similar to Dallon. To bad we don't live closer! I need to go update my blog now. Love ya.
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