Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Ian and Linda

Ian and his Grandma Linda have birthdays a day apart. When Ian was born, Grandma was in San Diego celebrating her birthday with friends. He came a week or two late and Grandma flew out about the time I went to the hospital. Ian turned 9 and celebrated with family and friends. He had a bowling party for his school mates. He is starting flag football and is looking forward to his school camping trip next week. They spend four days on the mountain, just the teachers and students. So exciting...


Glenda said...

Happy Birthday to both of you! How special to share your Birthday with your grandma! Good luck with flag football, how fun! Keep me updated with posts on everybodys busy life!

Parry's said...

How fun birthdays are! I love that picture of Ian and the BIG turtle. Have fun on the camping trip.

Holly said...

Hi!! I've been slacking!! Ian is so darling! I can't believe he is going camping with his teachers! What a great learning experience! Happy Birthday!